Blankets of Stars / Zvaigžņu deķi

The symbol of stars has always held significance for Latvians. Our ancestors believed that star ornaments protect against evil and the Blanket of Stars guards the sleeper's soul at night. The same goes for the weaving tradition itself. Through the years of Soviet occupation, weaving studios served as oases for Latvian women, as those were the places where they could come together and protect their heritage by weaving it in blankets.

Therefore, for Latvian Independence Anniversary Month this year, we selected and adorned Riga with 12 mesmerising traditional woven blankets from various times and regions of Latvia accompanied by one of many folk songs that speak of the Blanket of Stars making us invincible from darkness from within.

Riga City Council

Creative team
Kristiāna Marija Sproģe, Dārta Apsīte, Dārta Sakārne

2023, Autumn


Ugunsdiegs / Thread of Fire


Rīgas restorānu nedēļa / Riga Restaurant Week